Oxford English for Careers Tourism 3 Student&s Book



Oxford English for Careers Tourism 3 Student&s Book

A new, up-to-date course where students learn what they need to know for a career in tourism.OverviewOxford English for Careers is a series which prepares pre-work students for starting their career. Everything in each Students Book is vocation-specific, which means students get the language, information, and skills they need to help them get a job in their chosen career.Key featuresFocuses on the functional language needed to succeed in the job. Grammar, vocabulary, and skills are all contextualized in real work situations.An aspirational approach includes Its my job profiles of real professionals, and specialist facts, figures, and quotations on every page.Writing bank or Reading bank gives practice in working with specialist texts.Contemporary, easy-to-navigate design with an In this unit learning menu and an end-of-unit Checklist with CEF Can-do tick boxes.Revision and extension with Projects and Webquests, a students website with consolidation exercises from the unit, and a handy Key words list at the end of every unit with the essential vocabulary.Teachers Resource Book provides a specialist background to the area for every unit, plus easy-to-understand tips, additional activities for mixed ability classes, and Grammar tests and Communication worksheets.

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