Cambridge Little Steps Level 1 Activity Book American English



Cambridge Little Steps Level 1 Activity Book American English

Step into the world of Cambridge Little Steps, a language and early literacy course that gets very young children communicating in English while nurturing their key life competencies and human values needed to become kind, creative individuals ready to make the most of lifes opportunities. Explore: beautiful stories that develop rich, natural vocabulary along with emotional competencies and values; Big Questions that encourage children to investigate real-life topics from different angles; support for early literacy and basic math skills; playful activities and class projects that promote collaboration and turn learning into fun!EAN: 9781108736626

: Język angielski

erp program, bb co to, czy krus wlicza się do lat pracy, ktorego wracamy do szkoly, dzielnice radomia, kosmetologia zielona góra, tu koszalin pl, tanners poznań, joachim budny, wsti katowice opinie, architekt cennik
