Jeeves And Friends – Short Stories Oxford Bookworms Library 5 Oxford Bookworms Library 5 (3Rd Edition)
Six famous stories by a great observer of the British upper classes.What on earth would Bertie Wooster do without Jeeves, his valet? Jeeves is calm, tactful, resourceful, and has the answer to every problem. Bertie, a pleasant young man but a bit short of brains, turns to Jeeves every time he gets into trouble. And Bertie is always in trouble.These stories include the most famous of P. G. Wodehouses memorable characters. There are three stories about Bertie and Jeeves, and three about Lord Emsworth, who, like Bertie, is often in trouble, battling with his fierce sister Lady Constance, and his even fiercer Scottish gardener, the red-bearded Angus McAllister . . .Seriazobacz inne tytuły z serii Oxford Bookworms Library 5The Garden Party and Other Stories, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Heat and Dust, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Kings Ransom, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Wuthering Heights, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> The Dead of Jericho, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Ghost Stories, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> I, Robot – Short Stories, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> David Copperfield, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Far from the Madding Crowd, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> The Age of Innocence, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Bratt Farrar, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Deadlock, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Far From the Madding Crowd, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Great Expectations, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Jeeves and Friends – Short Stories, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Sense and Sensibility, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> The Riddle of the Sands, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> This Rough Magic, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Treading on Dreams: Stories from Ireland, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Oxford Bookworms Library 5, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Oxford Bookworm Library 5, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> The Bride Price, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”>
: Język angielski
rejestracja ua, spotted: tarnobrzeg, jarmolińska, cke gdańsk