Cambridge English Compact First For Schools zeszyt Ćwiczeń Bez Klucza Plus Audio CD



Cambridge English Compact First For Schools zeszyt Ćwiczeń Bez Klucza Plus Audio CD

Compact First for Schools is a focused, 50 – 60 hour course for Cambridge English: First for Schools, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE). The Workbook provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Students Book, where topics and exam tasks follow those in the Students Book. It also features an eight-page section focusing on the consolidation and extension of writing skills for paper 2. The accompanying Audio CD contains extra listening material for practice at home including exam-style listening tasks.

: Język angielski

miasto nad wartą, szkoła lutynia, piosenki karnawałowe, wyzsza szkola informatyki, kmak, stethome cena
