How to Vegan Pop Press
Have I told you Im vegan yet?Who is this book for?It?s for vegans, people who want to know about vegans, vegetarians who dabble in the dark arts of soya milk, meat-reducers and full carnivores looking to take the piss out of vegans.Whats in this book?Answers to questions like: What is a vegan, wait, I dont eat gluten, am I a vegan?!; pie charts to show how much conversation time with non-vegans will focus on how youre getting your protein; useful recipes and advice (such as how to work on your smugface); inspirational(ish) quotes and much more.What isn?t in this book?Arguments for or against veganism; it?s obvious that you should be vegan and here is how to do it.How to Vegan is the hilarious new book from the infographic genius Stephen Wildish, author of How to Swear and How to Adult.
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